Build your legacy of kindness with Forsyth Humane Society.
Since 1941, Forsyth Humane Society has been working together with people like you to help hundreds of thousands of pets and the people who love them. By making a gift to Forsyth Humane Society through your will, trust or other financial plan, you’ll not only save lives today, you’ll ensure a bright, safe future for generations of animals to come.
Turn your savings into lifesaving. It’s so simple to make your gift in a variety of ways.
- Will or Trust: A simple, flexible way give.
- Financial accounts and retirement assets: Designate a beneficiary right from your living room.
- Life insurance: Give this gift now or later.
- Outright gift: Get a tax deduction now for the full value of your gift.
- IRA: Make an IRA charitable rollover gift.
- Stock Gifts or Donor Advised Funds: Receive an immediate tax deduction.
Your legacy of kindness forever recognized as a member of our Legacy Society
When you make a gift in your will, trust, or other financial plans, you are recognized in a special group known as the Legacy Society. As a Legacy Society member, you will have the option of having Forsyth Humane Society provide for your canines and felines upon your passing, until a new forever home can be located for them through our adoption program.
Legacy Society members are acknowledged through recognition in our Annual Report, given a personal contact with Forsyth Humane Society, and receive updates about our organization.
The Legacy Society honors the members of our community who understand the positive effect animals have on our community and our lives. Members sustain our goal of increasing the save rate in Forsyth County for shelter cats and dogs to 90% by 2023. Including Forsyth Humane Society in your Will or Trust is a valuable source of support and we are grateful that you chose us.
Kate, a current member, volunteer, and leader at FHS said this about joining Legacy Society:
“As a volunteer and board member I have witnessed all aspects of FHS and how animal welfare benefits our community. I deeply believe in the FHS mission to support the bonds between animals and humans. FHS programs foster compassion and understanding in our community – two things I think most people would agree we need more of right now. FHS will always be a part of me. Joining the Legacy Society ensures my support for the FHS mission now and in the future.”
Pet Guardianship Benefit Information
We know that pets are part of the family and therefore you may want to provide for them by including them in your will or trust, just as you would appoint a guardian for a child. Sometimes it’s just not possible to make arrangements for pets with family members or friends which is why you may designate that your animals be entrusted to the care of Forsyth Humane Society through your will or trust.
Program Overview
- The goal of the pet guardianship program is to take your pet(s) (dogs and cats only) into the care and protection of Forsyth Humane Society at the time of your passing with the ultimate goal of re-homing your pet.
- Your pet would receive a full medical and behavioral evaluation upon intake to determine the best outcome for their individual needs. We offer you our promise that we will do our very best to care for your pet(s) and to provide them a positive outcome to live out their lives in the most enriching way possible.
- If it is evident that your pet is suffering, has a poor quality of life/health, or is a danger to the public, humane euthanasia may be considered. Legacy pets are evaluated and outcome decisions are made the same as other animals surrendered to our care.
How to Enroll
- Include Forsyth Humane Society in your will, trust, or plans such as your life insurance policy or retirement account. Also include Forsyth humane Society as the guardian or caregiver for your pet(s). Notify us that we have been included in your plans.
- Complete the form below to tell us more about your pets to help us with their placement.
- Keep a copy of your biography form with your will or trust and inform the executor of your estate or
trustee of your intentions.
Additional Information
- Suggested Legal Language
- IRA Charitable Rollover
- Tax ID #: 23-7055886
- Bequest Language: “I give to Forsyth Humane Society, located at 4881 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC., 27104, (the sume of $_) (all or _ percent of my residual estate) to be used for its general purposes.”
- Contact: Darla Kirkeeng, dkirkeeng@forsythhumane.org