Part of the work we do at Forsyth Humane Society is in helping pets and families stay together through our pet food pantry, this reduces shelter intake so we can care for pets that come in for different reasons. We are grateful for our partnerships with other non-profits in the Forsyth County community to share pet food to those who need it. We have heard the stories of people struggling financially who either go without eating themselves in order to feed their pets, or have to make the hard decision to surrender their pet to the shelter. We hope that if free food is provided, then this burden will be eased and they will be able to keep their pets in their homes where they are loved.
This year, the Forsyth Humane Society Pet Food Pantry has distributed more than $228,978.00 in food to pet owners, and the demand is growing. The need for pet owner assistance in our community is rapidly rising, and we believe in sharing our resources to help our community. Pantries, shelters, non-profits, supporters, volunteers, fosters, adopters, and ambassadors are working together in reducing shelter intake and helping our community thrive. You, too, can help pets and the people who love them.
We have setup partnerships with the following locations where you can pickup pet food if you need it. Some locations are by appointment, see the list below the map for expanded opportunties
Please note that we do not give out food to the public from our location, you will need to visit one of the following locations to pickup pet food.
Ardmore United Methodist Church
630 S Hawthorne Rd.
Winston Salem, NC
Pickup: 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 5:30-7:00pm
Bridging the Gap Pantry
Pickup by appointment: 336-782-2253
Fur Ever Friends of NC
Distributes to the following:
Shalom Project: Weekly Tuesdays 9am-12pm
Central Triad: Once a month, Saturday
Christ Beloved: Once a month, Saturday
Watchman of the Streets: Delivers to community
Whole Man Ministries: Once a month, Saturday by appointment
Humane Solutions: At monthly Saturday rabies clinic
Fuzzy Friends Pet Food Pantry
Pickup by appointment: 336-986-6556
Holy Cross Catholic Church
616 S. Cherry St.
Kernersville, NC
Brisson House lower back porch
Pickup: 3rd Thursday of each month 10:00-11:00am
Love Community Development
3980 N. Liberty St.
Winston Salem, NC
Pickup: 1st Monday 12:00-3:00pm and 3rd Tuesday 12:00-3:00pm
Senior Services – Meals on Wheels Program
Mixxer Community Makerspace
1375 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.
A drop-off and pick-up location
Pickup available Tues-Fri 12-8pm
Note: Please call your local pantry for updated guidelines and hours of operation.